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作者:吴承恩 5(5人评价)

出自吴承恩<对月感秋 The Autumn Moon> rén yún tiān shàng yuè 人 云 天 上 月,Tis said a fair lady on high zhōng yǒu cháng é jū 中 有 嫦 娥 居。Resides in the moon up the sky. gū qī yǔ shuí gòng 孤 栖 与 谁 共?With whom her solitude t...



作者:徐祯卿 5(6人评价)

出自徐祯卿<偶见·深山曲路见 A Roadside View> shēn shān qǔ lù jiàn táo huā 深 山 曲 路 见 桃 花,On winding hillside road peach blossoms come in sight, mǎ shàng cōng cōng rì yù xié 马 上 匆 匆 日 欲 斜。But I must hurry, for the sun sheds ...



作者:沈周 4.8(4人评价)

出自沈周<折花仕女 A Beauty Plucking Flowers> qù nián rén bié huā zhèng kāi 去 年 人 别 花 正 开,Last year when he left her, flowers were in full bloom; jīn rì huā kāi rén wèi huí 今 日 花 开 人 未 回。Now flowers bloom again, but he's still ...



作者:唐寅 5(6人评价)

出自唐寅<桃花庵歌> 半醒半醉日复日,花落花开年复年释义: “酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。半醒半醉日复日,花落花开年复年。”看这桃花仙人何等逍遥,何等快活,竟年复一年、日复一日地醉酒赏花。这里,...



作者:高启 5(5人评价)

出自高启<田舍夜舂 Husking Rice> xīn fù chōng liáng dú shuì chí 新妇舂粮独睡迟,The wife is husking rice till late into the night, yè hán máo wū yǔ lái shí 夜寒茅屋雨来时。Alone in thatched cottage cold with wind and rain. dēng qián měi ...



作者:于谦 5(11人评价)

出自明代诗人于谦<石灰吟 Song of the Lime> qiān chuí wàn záo chū shēn shān 千锤万凿出深山,You come out of deep mountains after hammer blows; liè huǒ fén shāo ruò děng xián 烈火焚烧若等闲。Under fire and water tortures you're not in woes. ...



作者:刘基 5(6人评价)

出自明代诗人刘基<春蚕 The Silkworm> kě xiào chūn cán dú kǔ xīn 可笑春蚕独苦辛,Why should the silkworm busy alone and forget wéi shuí chéng jiǎn què fén shēn 为谁成茧却焚身。It will be boiled when its cocoon is made one day? bú rú wú...



作者:宋濂 5(2人评价)

出自明代诗人宋濂<越歌 A Southern Song> liàn láng tián láng fēi yī cháo 恋郎田郎非一朝,I think of and long for my lover day and night; hǎo sì bìng zhōu huā jiǎn dāo 好似并州花剪刀。We're like the two blades of a pair of scissors bright. yī ...



作者:张以宁 5(3人评价)

出自明-张以宁<严陵钓台 The Fishing Site of Yan Guang> gù rén yǐ chéng chì lóng qù  故人已乘赤龙去,Your friend riding the red dragon mounted the throne; jūn dú yáng qiú diào yuè míng 君独羊裘钓月明。You were left in sheep skin to fish mo...



作者:顾炎武 5(4人评价)

tiān xià xìng wáng ,pǐ fū yǒu zé    天下兴亡,匹夫有责 古:平仄通平 仄平仄仄 ◆责【入声十一陌】 今:平仄通平 仄平仄平 ◆责【二波,o,e,uo】 英:Rise and fall of a nation rests with every one of its citizens. 出自顾炎...