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作者:周邦彦 5(7人评价)

出自宋代诗人周邦彦<蝶恋花·早行 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> yuè jiǎo jīng wū qī bú dìng 月 皎 惊 乌 栖 不 定,The crows feel restless, startled by moonlight; gèng lòu jiāng cán 更 漏 将 残,The water clock drips out as old grows night; ...



作者:周邦彦 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人周邦彦<菩萨蛮·梅雪 Tune: Buddhist Dancers> yín hé wǎn zhuǎn sān qiān qǔ 银 河 宛 转 三 千 曲。The Milky-Way-like river winds from bend to bend; yù fú fēi lù chéng bō lǜ 浴 凫 飞 鹭 澄 波 绿。Cranes fly over pure green waves...



作者:唐婉 5(10人评价)

出自宋代诗人唐婉<钗头凤·世情薄 Tune: Phoenix Hairpin> shì qíng báo 世 情 薄,The world unfair, rén qíng è 人 情 恶,True manhood rare. yǔ sòng huáng hūn huā yì luò 雨 送 黄 昏 花 易 落。Dusk melts away in rain and blooming trees turn...


作者:游次公 5(5人评价)

出自游次公<卜算子·风雨送人来 Tune: Song of Divination> fēng yǔ sòng rén lái 风 雨 送 人 来,Spring wind and rain see you come nigh; fēng yǔ liú rén zhù 风 雨 留 人 住。Spring wind and rain ask you to stay. cǎo cǎo bēi pán huà bié lí ...



作者:范成大 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人范成大<霜天晓角·少年豪纵 Tune: Morning Horn and Frosty Sky> shǎo nián háo zòng 少 年 豪 纵,While young, I was carefree, wearing a gown páo jǐn tuán huā fèng 袍 锦 团 花 凤。Embroidered with Phoenix and flowers of brocade. cé...



作者:范成大 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人范成大<霜天晓角·梅 Tune: Morning Horn and Frosty Sky - The Mume Blossoms> wǎn qíng fēng xiē 晚 晴 风 歇。It's fine at dusk when the wind dies away; yī yè chūn wēi shé 一 夜 春 威 折。  At night the cold spring holds no long...



作者:李清照 5(11人评价)

出自宋代诗人李清照<一剪梅·红藕香残玉簟秋 Tune: A Twig of Mume Blossoms> hóng ǒu xiāng cán yù diàn qiū 红 藕 香 残 玉 簟 秋。Fragrant pink lotus fade; autumn chills mat of jade. qīng jiě luó shang 轻 解 罗 裳,My silk robe doffed, I fl...



作者:李清照 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人李清照<浣溪沙·莫许杯深琥珀浓 Tune: Silk-Washing Stream> mò xǔ bēi shēn hǔ pò nóng 莫 许 杯 深 琥 珀 浓,don't fill my cup with amber wine up to the brim! wèi chéng chén zuì yì xiān róng 未 成 沉 醉 意 先 融。Before I'm...



作者:李清照 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人李清照<醉花阴·薄雾浓云愁永昼 Tune: Tipsy in the Flowers' Shade> báo wù nóng yún chóu yǒng zhòu 薄 雾 浓 云 愁 永 昼。Thin is the mist and thick the clouds, so sad I stay. ruì nǎo xiāo jīn shòu 瑞 脑 消 金 兽。From golden c...



作者:李清照 5(9人评价)

出自宋代李清照<武陵春·春晚 Tune: Spring in Peach-Blossom Land> fēng zhù chén xiāng huā yǐ jìn 风 住 尘 香 花 已 尽,Sweet flowers fall to dust when winds abate. rì wǎn juàn shū tóu 日 晚 倦 梳 头。Tired, I won't comb my hair for it is late. ...