先秦 两汉 魏晋 南北朝 隋代 唐代 五代 宋代 元代 明代 清代 近代 现代




作者:白贲 5(5人评价)

白贲<鹦鹉曲 Tune: Song of Parrot> nóng jiā yīng wǔ zhōu biān zhù 侬 家 鹦 鹉 洲 边 住,Living at Parrot Islet as I can, shì gè bú shí zì yú fù 是 个 不 识 字 渔 父。I am an illiterate fisherman. làng huā zhōng yī yè biǎn zhōu 浪 花...



作者:徐再思 5(5人评价)

徐再思<蟾宫曲·江淹寺 Tune: Song of Moon Palace - Temple of a Literary Genius> zǐ shuāng háo shì shì fēi fēi 紫 霜 毫 是 是 非 非,You wrote with brilliant pen on ups and downs. wàn gǔ xū míng 万 古 虚 名,It won your age-old vain renown. yī ...



作者:薛昂夫 5(4人评价)

薛昂夫<楚天遥带过清江引 Tune: From Far-Flung Southern Sky to Song of Clear River> chǔ tiān yáo 楚 天 遥(I ) Tune: Far-flung Southern Sky yǒu yì sòng chūn guī 有 意 送 春 归,I have a mind to say farewell to spring, wú jì liú chūn zhù 无 计 留...



作者:乔吉 5(6人评价)

乔吉<清江引·即景 Tune: Song of Clear River - Vernal View> chuí yáng cuì sī qiān wàn lǚ 垂 杨 翠 丝 千 万 缕,Thousands of emerald branches of willows weep rě zhù xián qíng xù 惹 住 闲 情 绪。For they're grieved not to keep hé lèi sòng chū...



作者:陈草庵 4.8(5人评价)

陈草庵<山坡羊 - 叹世 Tune: Sheep on the Slope - O World> chén jī chū jiào 晨 鸡 初 叫,At dawn the cock crows; hūn yā zhēng zào 昏 鸦 争 噪。At dusk caw the crows. nà gè bú qù hóng chén nào 那 个 不 去 红 尘 闹?Who to vanity fair is ...
