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作者:李白 5(5人评价)

出自唐代诗人李白<荆门送别 Farewell beyond the Thorn-gate Gorge> liú yuǎn jīng mén wài  流远荆门外,Leaving Mount Thorn-gate far away, lái cóng chǔ guó yóu  来从楚国游。My boat pursues its eastward way. shān suí píng yě jìn ...



作者:李白 4.9(14人评价)

出自唐朝诗人李白<独坐敬亭山 Sitting Alone in Face of Peak Jingting> zhòng niǎo gāo fēi jìn  众鸟高飞尽,All birds have flown away, so high; gū yún dú qù xián  孤云独去闲。A lonely cloud drifts on, so free. xiàng kàn liǎng bú yà...



作者:李白 5(1人评价)

出自唐朝诗人李白<早发白帝城Leaving the White Emperor Town at Dawn > cháo cí bái dì cǎi yún jiān 朝辞白帝彩云间,Leaving at dawn the White Emperor crowned with cloud; qiān lǐ jiāng líng yī rì hái  千里江陵一日还。I'Ve sailed a th...



作者:李白 5(7人评价)

出自唐朝李白<春思 A Faithful Wife Longing for Her Husband in Spring> yàn cǎo rú bì sī 燕草如碧丝,With Northern grass like green silk thread, qín sāng dī lǜ zhī 秦桑低绿枝。Western mulberries bend their head. dāng j...



作者:李白 4.5(2人评价)

出自唐朝诗人李白<静夜思Thoughts on a Tranquil Night> chuáng qián míng yuè guāng 床前明月光,Before my bed a pool of light; yí shì dì shàng shuāng 疑是地上霜。Oh, can it be frost on the ground? jǔ tóu wàng míng yuè 举头望明月,Looking ...



作者:杜甫 4.7(3人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫<望岳 dozing at Mount Tai> dài zōng fū rú hé 岱宗夫如何?O peak of peaks, how high it stands! qí lǔ qīng wèi le  齐鲁青未了。One boundless green o'erspreads two States. zào huà zhōng shén xiù...


好雨知时节 当春乃发生

作者:杜甫 5(7人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫春夜喜雨Happy Rain on a Spring Night hǎo yǔ zhī shí jiē 好雨知时节,Good rain knows its time right; dāng chūn nǎi fā shēng 当春乃发生。It will fail when comes spring. suí fēng qián rù yè 随风潜入夜,With wind it steals...


秋来相顾尚飘蓬 未就丹砂愧葛洪

作者:杜甫 4.8(6人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫<赠李白 To Li Bai > qiū lái xiàng gù shàng piāo péng 秋来相顾尚飘蓬,When autumn comes, you're drifting still like thistledown; wèi jiù dān shā kuì gě hóng  未就丹砂愧葛洪。You try to find...


风急天高猿啸 渚清沙白鸟飞回

作者:杜甫 5(17人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫<登高> fēng jí tiān gāo yuán xiào āi 风急天高猿啸哀,The wind so swift, the sky so wide, apes wail and cry; zhǔ qīng shā bái niǎo fēi huí 渚清沙白鸟飞回。Water so clear and beach so white, birds wheel and fly. wú b...


“昔闻洞庭水 今上岳阳楼”

作者:杜甫 5(11人评价)

出自唐朝诗人杜甫<登岳阳楼 On Yueyang Fower> xī wén dòng tíng shuǐ 昔闻洞庭水,Long have I heard of Dongting Lake, jīn shàng yuè yáng lóu 今上岳阳楼。Now I ascend the Yueyang Height. wú chǔ dōng nán chè 吴楚东南坼,Here eastern ...