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作者:柳如是 5(7人评价)

出自柳如是<西湖 West Lake> chuí yáng xiǎo yuàn xiù lián dōng 垂 杨 小 院 绣 帘 东,The weeping willows stand east of the curtained bowers; yīng gé cán zhī wèi sī féng 莺 阁 残 枝 未 思 逢。Orioles and butterflies pass through the faded flowers...



作者:钱谦益 5(3人评价)

出自钱谦益<留题秦淮丁家水阁 View from the Garden of Ding> yuàn wài yáng huā dài mù cháo 苑 外 杨 花 待 暮 潮,The willow down afield waits for the evening tide; gé xī táo yè xiàn hóng qiáo 隔 溪 桃 叶 限 红 桥。A painted bridge leads to ...



作者:袁宏道 5(6人评价)

出自袁宏道<东阿道中晚望 Evening View> dōng fēng chuī zhàn hóng tíng shù 东 风 吹 绽 红 亭 树,The east wind blows, at Red Tower trees burst in bloom; dú shàng gāo yuán chóu rì mù 独 上 高 原 愁 日 暮。Alone on hilltop at sunset I fall in g...



作者:吴承恩 5(5人评价)

出自吴承恩<对月感秋 The Autumn Moon> rén yún tiān shàng yuè 人 云 天 上 月,Tis said a fair lady on high zhōng yǒu cháng é jū 中 有 嫦 娥 居。Resides in the moon up the sky. gū qī yǔ shuí gòng 孤 栖 与 谁 共?With whom her solitude t...



作者:徐祯卿 5(6人评价)

出自徐祯卿<偶见·深山曲路见 A Roadside View> shēn shān qǔ lù jiàn táo huā 深 山 曲 路 见 桃 花,On winding hillside road peach blossoms come in sight, mǎ shàng cōng cōng rì yù xié 马 上 匆 匆 日 欲 斜。But I must hurry, for the sun sheds ...



作者:唐寅 5(6人评价)

出自唐寅<桃花庵歌> 半醒半醉日复日,花落花开年复年释义: “酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠。半醒半醉日复日,花落花开年复年。”看这桃花仙人何等逍遥,何等快活,竟年复一年、日复一日地醉酒赏花。这里,...



作者:张雨 5(3人评价)

出自元代张雨<湖州竹枝词 Bamboo Branch Song> lín hú mén wài shì nóng jiā 临湖门外是侬家,Before the lake's the little cottage where' I stay. láng ruò xián shí lái chī chá 郎若闲时来吃茶。Will you please come, when you have leisure, to take te...



作者:赵孟頫 5(10人评价)

出自赵孟頫<岳鄂王墓 The Tomb of General Yue Fei> è wáng fén shàng cǎo lí lí 鄂王坟上草离离,The tomb of General Yue with grass is desolate; qiū rì huāng liáng shí shòu wēi 秋日荒凉石兽危。In dreary autumn day the stone beasts stand like crag...



作者:刘因 5(7人评价)

出自元代刘因<观梅有感 On Seeing the Mume Flower> dōng fēng chuī luò zhàn chén shā 东风吹落战尘沙,The east wind blows up war dust and sand more and more; mèng xiǎng xī hú chù shì jiā 梦想西湖处士家;I dream of mume-bloom-lover in his lakeside ...



作者:戴表元 4.5(2人评价)

元代诗人戴表元<感旧歌者 A Songster on West Lake> mǔ dān hóng zǐ yàn chūn tiān 牡丹红紫艳春天,Peonies pink or violet embellish spring; tán bǎn zhū sī jǐn sè jiān 檀板朱丝锦色笺。Beside the music score lie clappers with red string. tóu...