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欲去又还不去 明日落花飞絮

作者:苏轼 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<昭君怨·送别Tune: Lament of a Fair Ladya> shuí zuò huán yī sān nòng 谁作桓伊三弄,Who's playing on the flute a gloomy tune, jīng pò lǜ chuāng yōu mèng 惊破绿窗幽梦?Breaking the green window's dreary dream? xīn yuè yǔ c...


“绕水恣行游 上尽层城更上楼”

作者:王安石 5(4人评价)

王安石<南乡子·自古帝王州  Tune: A Southern Song> zì gǔ dì wáng zhōu 自古帝王州,The capital was ruled by kings since days gone by. yù yù cōng cōng jiā qì fú  郁郁葱葱佳气浮。The rich green and lush gloom breathe a majestic sight. ...



作者:晏几道 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏几道<生查子·长恨涉江遥 Tune: Mountain Hawthorn> zhǎng hèn shè jiāng yáo 长恨涉江遥,She never likes to cross the river far yí jìn xī tóu zhù 移近溪头住。And moves toward its head, where lovebirds are. xián dàng mù lán ...



作者:黄庭坚 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人黄庭坚<诉衷情·一波才动万波随 Tune: Telling of Innermost Feeling> yī bō cái dòng wàn bō suí 一波才动万波随,One after another, waves on waves onward sweep; suō lì yī gōu sī 蓑笠一钩丝。A straw-cloaked man fishes with rod an...



作者:黄庭坚 5(6人评价)

出自宋代诗人黄庭坚<定风波·次高左藏使君韵 Tune: Calming the Waves> wàn lǐ qián zhōng yī lòu tiān 万 里 黔 中 一 漏 天,The rain pours down for miles and miles in the western land; wū jū zhōng rì sì chéng chuán 屋 居 终 日 似 乘 船。...



作者:贺铸 5(6人评价)

出自宋代诗人贺铸<忆仙姿·九之八 Tune: Fairy Beauty Recalled> jiāng shàng cháo huí fēng xì 江 上 潮 回 风 细,The tide on the stream flows hóng xiù yǐ lóu níng dì 红 袖 倚 楼 凝 睇。When a gentle breeze blows. tiān jì rèn guī zhōu 天...



作者:吴西逸 5(4人评价)

吴西逸<天净沙 - 闲题 Tune: Sunny Sand - Written at Leisure> zhǎng jiāng wàn lǐ guī fān 长 江 万 里 归 帆,On thousand-mile-long River pass east-going sails. xī fēng jǐ dù yáng guān 西 风 几 度 阳 关?,How many times at Sunny Pass has blown west ...



作者:吴弘道 5(4人评价)

吴弘道<拨不断.闲乐泛浮槎 Tune: Unbroken String - Leisure and Pleasure> fàn fú chá 泛 浮 槎,I pass my life jì shēng yá 寄 生 涯,On floating raft zhǎng jiāng wàn lǐ qiū fēng jià 长 江 万 里 秋 风 驾。Steered by the autumn breeze on the...



作者:贯云石 5(4人评价)

贯云石<落梅风 Tune: Wind of Falling Mume Blossoms> xīn qiū zhì 新 秋 至,When comes the autumn new, rén zhà bié 人 乍 别,We have just parted. shùn zhǎng jiāng shuǐ liú cán yuè 顺 长 江 水 流 残 月。Along the endless river floats the moon b...



作者:朱帘秀 5(4人评价)

朱帘秀<寿阳曲·答卢疏斋 Tune:Song of Long-Lived Sun - Reply to Lu Zhi> shān wú shù 山 无 数,O countless mountains yān wàn lǚ 烟 万 缕。And wreaths of smoke! qiáo cuì shà yù táng rén wù 憔 悴 煞 玉 堂 人 物。Languid becomes the man in b...