先秦 两汉 魏晋 南北朝 隋代 唐代 五代 宋代 元代 明代 清代 近代 现代



作者:周邦彦 5(7人评价)

出自宋代诗人周邦彦<蝶恋花·早行 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> yuè jiǎo jīng wū qī bú dìng 月 皎 惊 乌 栖 不 定,The crows feel restless, startled by moonlight; gèng lòu jiāng cán 更 漏 将 残,The water clock drips out as old grows night; ...



作者:范成大 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人范成大<霜天晓角·少年豪纵 Tune: Morning Horn and Frosty Sky> shǎo nián háo zòng 少 年 豪 纵,While young, I was carefree, wearing a gown páo jǐn tuán huā fèng 袍 锦 团 花 凤。Embroidered with Phoenix and flowers of brocade. cé...



作者:李清照 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人李清照<醉花阴·薄雾浓云愁永昼 Tune: Tipsy in the Flowers' Shade> báo wù nóng yún chóu yǒng zhòu 薄 雾 浓 云 愁 永 昼。Thin is the mist and thick the clouds, so sad I stay. ruì nǎo xiāo jīn shòu 瑞 脑 消 金 兽。From golden c...



作者:李清照 5(13人评价)

李清照<声声慢·寻寻觅觅 Tune: Slow, Slow Song> xún xún mì mì 寻 寻 觅 觅,I look for what I miss; lěng lěng qīng qīng 冷 冷 清 清,I know not what it is. qī qī cǎn cǎn qī qī 凄 凄 惨 惨 戚 戚。I feel so sad, so drear, zhà nuǎ...


作者:舒亶 5(6人评价)

舒亶<卜算子·得苔 Tune: Song of Divination - The Moss> chí tái xiǎo yǔ gàn 池 台 小 雨 干,The poolside bears no trace of rain; mén xiàng xiāng lún shǎo 门 巷 香 轮 少。Few fragrant cabs pass on the lane. shuí bǎ qīng qián chèn luò hóng 谁...



作者:曹丕 5(13人评价)

曹丕<燕歌行·秋风萧瑟天气凉 Song of a Lonely Wife> qiū fēng xiāo sè tiān qì liáng 秋 风 萧 瑟 天 气 凉,The weather turns cold when bleak blows the autumn breeze; cǎo mù yáo luò lù wéi shuāng 草 木 摇 落 露 为 霜。The leaves shiver and ...



作者:卓文君 5(6人评价)

卓文君<白头吟 Song of the White Hair> ái rú shān shàng xuě 皑 如 山 上 雪,Our love like snow on mountains proud jiǎo ruò yún jiān yuè  皎 若 云 间 月。Was bright like the moon 'mid the cloud. wén jun1 yǒu liǎng yì 闻 君 有 两 意,...



作者:班婕妤 5(9人评价)

班婕妤<怨歌行 To an Autumn Fan> xīn liè qí wán sù 新 裂 齐 纨 素,Fresh from the weaver's loom, oh silk so white, jiǎo jié rú shuāng xuě 皎 洁 如 霜 雪。You are as clear as frost,as snow as bright. cái zuò hé huān shàn 裁 作 合 欢 扇,...



作者:李延年 5(8人评价)

李延年<北方有佳人 Song of the Northern Beauty> běi fāng yǒu jiā rén 北 方 有 佳 人,There is a beauty in the northern lands; jué shì ér dú lì 绝 世 而 独 立。Unequaled, high above the world she stands. yī gù qīng rén chéng 一 顾 倾 人...



作者:项羽 4.7(11人评价)

项羽<垓下歌 Xiang Yu's Last Song> lì bá shān xī qì gài shì 力 拔 山 兮 气 盖 世。I could pull mountains down, oh! With main and might, shí bú lì xī zhuī bú shì 时 不 利 兮 骓 不 逝。But my good fortune wanes, oh! My steed won't fight. zhuī...