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作者:欧阳修 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人欧阳修<踏莎行·候馆梅残 Tune: Treading on Grass> hòu guǎn méi cán 候馆梅残,Mume flowers fade before the inn, xī qiáo liǔ xì 溪桥柳细。By riverside sway willows green, cǎo xūn fēng nuǎn yáo zhēng pèi 草薰风暖摇征辔。...



作者:欧阳修 5(19人评价)

出自宋代诗人欧阳修<蝶恋花·庭院深深深几许 Tune: Butterflies over Flowers > tíng yuàn shēn shēn shēn jǐ xǔ 庭院深深深几许?Deep, deep the courtyard where he is, so deep. 中仄中平平仄仄。 yáng liǔ duī yā 杨柳堆烟,It's veiled by s...



作者:晏几道 5(17人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏几道<临江仙·梦后楼台高锁 Tune: Immortal at the River> mèng hòu lóu tái gāo suǒ 梦后楼台高锁,Awake from dreams, I find the locked tower high; jiǔ xǐng lián mù dī chuí 酒醒帘幕低垂。Sobered from wine, I see the curtain han...



作者:晏几道 4.9(12人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏几道<鹧鸪天·彩袖殷勤捧玉钟 Tune: Partridge Sky> cǎi xiù yīn qín pěng yù zhōng 彩袖殷勤捧玉钟,Time and again with rainbow sleeves you tried to fill dāng nián pīn què zuì yán hóng 当年拚却醉颜红。My cup with wine that...



作者:晏几道 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏几道<点绛唇·花信来时 Tune: Rouged Lips> huā xìn lái shí 花信来时,When flowers herald spring again, hèn wú rén sì huā yī jiù 恨无人似花依旧。Why won't my lord come back with flowers as before? yòu chéng chūn shòu 又成...



作者:晏几道 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏几道<点绛唇·花信来时 Tune: Rouged Lips> huā xìn lái shí 花信来时,When flowers herald spring again, hèn wú rén sì huā yī jiù 恨无人似花依旧。Why won't my lord come back with flowers as before? yòu chéng chūn shòu 又成...



作者:秦观 5(7人评价)

秦观<踏莎行·郴州旅舍 Tune: Treading on Grass - At and Tenn of Chenzhou>  wù shī lóu tái 雾 失 楼 台,The bowers lost in the mist, yuè mí jīn dù 月 迷 津 渡,Dimmed ferry in the moonlight,  táo yuán wàng duàn wú xún chù 桃 源 望...



作者:秦观 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人秦观<浣溪沙·漠漠轻寒上小楼 Tune: Silk-Washing Stream> mò mò qīng hán shàng xiǎo lóu 漠 漠 轻 寒 上 小 楼,In light pervading cold, I mount the little tower, xiǎo yīn wú lài sì qióng qiū 晓 阴 无 赖 似 穷 秋。What can I ...



作者:秦观 4.6(10人评价)

出自宋代诗人秦观<鹊桥仙·纤云弄巧 Tune: Immortal at the Magpie Bridge> xiān yún nòng qiǎo 纤 云 弄 巧,Clouds float like works of art; fēi xīng chuán hèn 飞 星 传 恨,Stars shoot with grief at heart. yín hàn tiáo tiáo àn dù 银 汉 迢 迢...



作者:秦观 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人秦观<江城子·南来飞燕北归鸿 Tune: A Riverside Town> nán lái fēi yàn běi guī hóng 南 来 飞 燕 北 归 鸿,Like northbound swan and southward-flying swallow fleet, ǒu xiàng féng 偶 相 逢,By chance we meet; cǎn chóu róng 惨...