先秦 两汉 魏晋 南北朝 隋代 唐代 五代 宋代 元代 明代 清代 近代 现代



作者:梁章钜 2.7(3人评价)

一笔好字不错; 二等才情不露; 三斤酒量不吐; 四季衣服不当; 五子围棋不悔; 六出昆曲不推; 七字歪诗不迟; 八字马吊不查; 九品头衔不选; 十分和气不俗。...



作者:杜甫 5(19人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫<茅屋为秋风所破歌>My Cottage Unroofed by Autumn Gales 八月秋高风怒号,In the eighth moon the autumn gales furiously howl; 卷我屋上三重茅。They roll up three layers of straw from my thatched bower. 茅飞渡江洒江郊,The s...


风急天高猿啸 渚清沙白鸟飞回

作者:杜甫 5(17人评价)

出自唐代诗人杜甫<登高> fēng jí tiān gāo yuán xiào āi 风急天高猿啸哀,The wind so swift, the sky so wide, apes wail and cry; zhǔ qīng shā bái niǎo fēi huí 渚清沙白鸟飞回。Water so clear and beach so white, birds wheel and fly. wú b...


“三顾频烦天下计 两朝开济老臣心”

作者:杜甫 5(19人评价)

出自唐朝诗人杜甫的<蜀相 Temple of the Premier of Shu>  chéng xiàng cí táng hé chù xún 丞相祠堂何处寻,Where is the famous premier's temple to be found? jǐn guān chéng wài bǎi sēn sēn 锦官城外柏森森。Outside t...



作者:李绅 5(11人评价)

出自唐代诗人李绅<悯农 The Peasants>  chūn zhǒng yī lì sù 春种—粒粟,Each seed that's sown in spring  qiū shōu wàn kē zǐ 秋收万颗子。Will make autumn yields high.  sì hǎi wú xián tián 四海...



作者:王昌龄 4.8(32人评价)

出自唐代诗人王昌龄<出塞 On the Frontier> qín shí míng yuè hàn shí guān 秦时明月汉时关,The moon still shines on mountain passes as of yore. wàn lǐ zhǎng zhēng rén wèi hái 万里长征人未还。How many guardsmen of Great Wall come back no more! ...



作者:曹操 5(6人评价)

曹操<蒿里行 Graveyard Song> guān dōng yǒu yì shì 关 东 有 义 士,East of the Pass there,re heroes brave and bright; xìng bīng tǎo qún xiōng 兴 兵 讨 群 凶。They rose in arms against the worst man of all. chū qī huì méng jīn 初 期 会 盟 津,...



作者:张养浩 4.4(7人评价)

张养浩<山坡羊·潼关怀古 Tune: Sheep on the Slope > fēng luán rú jù 峰 峦 如 聚,Peaks like brows knit, bō tāo rú nù 波 涛 如 怒,Angry waves spit. shān hé biǎo lǐ tóng guān lù 山 河 表 里 潼 关 路。With mountain and river far and ne...



作者:戚继光 5(2人评价)

出自戚继光<晓征 March at Dawn> shuāng xī qǔ qǔ zhuǎn jīng qí 霜 溪 曲 曲 转 旌 旗,Our banners undulate along the winding stream jǐ xǔ shā ōu shuì wèi zhī 几 许 沙 鸥 睡 未 知。Without disturbing the riverside birds from their dream. jiā ...



作者:赵孟頫 5(10人评价)

出自赵孟頫<岳鄂王墓 The Tomb of General Yue Fei> è wáng fén shàng cǎo lí lí 鄂王坟上草离离,The tomb of General Yue with grass is desolate; qiū rì huāng liáng shí shòu wēi 秋日荒凉石兽危。In dreary autumn day the stone beasts stand like crag...