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万籁收声天地静 未动宫商意已传

作者:苏轼 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<减字木兰花·琴 Tune: Shortened Form of Lily Magnolia Flowers The Lute > shén xián yì dìng 神闲意定,Leisurely and tranquil, wàn lài shōu shēng tiān dì jìng 万籁收声天地静。When all voices are hu...


醉漾轻舟 信流引到花深处

作者:苏轼 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<点绛唇·醉漾轻舟 Tune: Rouged Lips> zuì yàng qīng zhōu 醉漾轻舟,Drunk, I let my light boat xìn liú yǐn dào huā shēn chù 信流引到花深处。Along the dyer float, chén yuán xiàng wù 尘缘...


苦含情,遣谁听? 烟敛云收,依约是湘灵

作者:苏轼 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<江城子·凤凰山下雨初晴 Tune: A Riverside Town on Lake > fèng huáng shān xià yǔ chū qíng 凤凰山下雨初晴,It turns fine after rain below the Phoenix Hill, shuǐ fēng qīng ,wǎn xiá míng 水风...


欲去又还不去 明日落花飞絮

作者:苏轼 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<昭君怨·送别Tune: Lament of a Fair Ladya> shuí zuò huán yī sān nòng 谁作桓伊三弄,Who's playing on the flute a gloomy tune, jīng pò lǜ chuāng yōu mèng 惊破绿窗幽梦?Breaking the green window's dreary dream? xīn yuè yǔ c...


迎客西来送客行 秋雨晴时泪不晴

作者:苏轼 5(2人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<南乡子·送述古 Tune: A Southern Song a> huí shǒu luàn shān héng 回首乱山横,Turning my head, I find rugged mountains bar the sky, bú jiàn jū rén zhī jiàn chéng 不见居人只见城。I can no longer ...


当时共客长安 似二陆初来俱少年

作者:苏轼 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<沁园春·孤馆灯青 Tune: Spring in a Pleasure Garden a> gū guǎn dēng qīng 孤馆灯青,The lamp bums with green flames in an inn's lonely hall; yě diàn jī hào 野店鸡号,The wayfarer's dream is broken by the cock's call. lǚ zhěn mè...



作者:张先 4.4(7人评价)

出自宋代诗人张先<千秋岁·数声鶗鴂 Tune: A Thousand Autumns >  shù shēng tí guī 数声鶗鴂,The cuckoo showers yòu bào fāng fēi xiē 又报芳菲歇。Tears of adieu on fallen flowers. xī chūn gèng bǎ cán...



作者:张先 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人张先<诉衷情·花前月下暂相逢 Tune: Telling of Innermost Feeling> huā qián yuè xià zàn xiàng féng 花前月下暂相逢。Before flowers, beneath the moon, shortly we met kǔ hèn zǔ cóng róng 苦恨阻从容。...



作者:张先 5(1人评价)

宋代诗人张先<一丛花令·伤高怀远几时穷 Tune: Song of Flower Shrub > shāng gāo huái yuǎn jǐ shí qióng 伤高怀远几时穷?When will the sorrow end to watch my parting friend wú wù sì qíng nóng 无物似情浓。From a tower above? Nothing's so deep ...


郎袍应已旧 颜色非长久

作者:张先 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人张先<菩萨蛮·忆郎还上层楼曲 Tune: Buddhist Dancers > yì láng hái shàng céng lóu qǔ 忆郎还上层楼曲,Missing my lord, I lean on railings of the tower; lóu qián fāng cǎo nián nián lǜ 楼前芳草年年绿。From year to year sweet ...