先秦 两汉 魏晋 南北朝 隋代 唐代 五代 宋代 元代 明代 清代 近代 现代



作者:郑珍 5(3人评价)

郑珍<自沾益出宣威入东川 On Journey in Yunnan> shān yá gèng sì jū yá kǔ 山 衙 更 似 居 衙 苦,It is as hard on journey as in office room; chóu shì kān dāng yì shì zhēng 愁 事 堪 当 异 事 征。What I see fills my heart with wonder as with glo...



作者:黄景仁 5(4人评价)

黄景仁<别老母 Parting from My Old Mother> qiān wéi bài mǔ hé liáng qù 搴 帷 拜 母 河 梁 去,I leave my mother at the door for riverside, bái fā chóu kàn lèi yǎn kū 白 发 愁 看 泪 眼 枯。I gaze at her white hair and tearful eyes now dried. cǎ...



作者:敦敏 5(4人评价)

敦敏<赠曹雪芹 To Cao Xueqin> bì shuǐ qīng shān diǎn jìng xiá 碧 水 青 山 典 径 遐,A long, long winding path leads to green hill and rill; xuē luó mén xiàng zú yān xiá 薛 萝 门 巷 足 烟 霞。Ivy leaves and rainbow clouds veil your cottage still. ...



作者:袁枚 5(2人评价)

袁枚<哭聪娘 Elegy on My Wise Mistress> jì dé gē chéng mò shàng sāng 记 得 歌 成 陌 上 桑,I still remember her singing “Mulberry Song5 luó fū shēn xǔ jià xǔ chāng 罗 敷 身 许 嫁 许 昌。And the wedding of her beauty with my renown. shuāng ...



作者:王夫之 5(4人评价)

出自王夫之<悼亡四首其一 Elegy on My Deceased Wife> shí nián qián cǐ xiǎo shuāng tiān 十 年 前 此 晓 霜 天,Can I forget ten years ago this frosty day; jīng pò chén zhōng mèng yì xiān 惊 破 晨 钟 梦 亦 仙。The morning bells broke my dream, ...



作者:李渔 5(4人评价)

出自李渔<哭亡姬乔氏 Heart-Broken Song> gè shì fēn fēn yī bǐ xiāo 各 事 纷 纷 一 笔 销,The bygones one and all like dreams have passed away; ān xīn péng hù bàn yú qiáo 安 心 蓬 户 伴 渔 樵。I'd live with fishermen in thatched cot night and d...



作者:柳如是 5(7人评价)

出自柳如是<西湖 West Lake> chuí yáng xiǎo yuàn xiù lián dōng 垂 杨 小 院 绣 帘 东,The weeping willows stand east of the curtained bowers; yīng gé cán zhī wèi sī féng 莺 阁 残 枝 未 思 逢。Orioles and butterflies pass through the faded flowers...



作者:沈周 4.8(4人评价)

出自沈周<折花仕女 A Beauty Plucking Flowers> qù nián rén bié huā zhèng kāi 去 年 人 别 花 正 开,Last year when he left her, flowers were in full bloom; jīn rì huā kāi rén wèi huí 今 日 花 开 人 未 回。Now flowers bloom again, but he's still ...



作者:高启 5(5人评价)

出自高启<田舍夜舂 Husking Rice> xīn fù chōng liáng dú shuì chí 新妇舂粮独睡迟,The wife is husking rice till late into the night, yè hán máo wū yǔ lái shí 夜寒茅屋雨来时。Alone in thatched cottage cold with wind and rain. dēng qián měi ...



作者:刘基 5(6人评价)

出自明代诗人刘基<春蚕 The Silkworm> kě xiào chūn cán dú kǔ xīn 可笑春蚕独苦辛,Why should the silkworm busy alone and forget wéi shuí chéng jiǎn què fén shēn 为谁成茧却焚身。It will be boiled when its cocoon is made one day? bú rú wú...