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“忽如一夜春风来 千树万树梨花开”

作者:岑参 4.8(16人评价)

岑参白雪歌送武判官归京 běi fēng juàn dì bái cǎo shé  北风卷地白草折,Snapping the pallid grass,the northern wind whirls low; hú tiān bā yuè jí fēi xuě 胡天八月即飞雪。In the eighth moon the Tartar sky is filled with snow hū rú yī yè chū...



作者:刘长卿 5(2人评价)

出自唐代诗人刘长卿<逢雪宿芙蓉山主人 Seeking Shelter in Lotus Hill on a Snowy Night> rì mù cāng shān yuǎn 日暮苍山远,At sunset side village still seems far, tiān hán bái wū pín 天寒白屋贫。Cold and deserted the thatched cottages are. chá...


人生到处知何似 ,应似飞鸿踏雪泥

作者:苏轼 5(8人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼 <和子由渑池怀旧 Recalling the Old Days at Mianchi in the Same Rhymer as Zi You's Poem>  rén shēng dào chù zhī hé sì 人生到处知何似,What do you think is human life like here or there? yīng sì fēi hóng tà xuě ní 应似飞鸿踏...



作者:苏轼 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼的<红梅 Red Mume Blossom> pà chóu tān shuì dú kāi chí 怕愁贪睡独开迟,Enjoying sleep and shunning sadness, she blossoms late, zì kǒng bīng róng bú rù shí 自恐冰容不入时。Afraid an icy look m...


两山遥指海门青 回首水云何处

作者:苏轼 5(9人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<南歌子-湖州作 Tune: A Southern Song Written at Lakeside County> shān yǔ xiāo xiāo guò 山雨潇潇过,Shower on shower passes o'er the hills, xī qiáo liú liú qīng 溪桥浏浏清。Clear, clear water flows...



作者:苏轼 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人苏轼<少年游·润州作代人寄远 Tune: Wandering of a Youth > qù nián xiàng sòng 去年相送,Last year we bade adieu yú háng mén wài 余杭门外,Outside the town; fēi xuě sì yáng huā 飞雪似杨花。Snow flew like willow down. ...



作者:周邦彦 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人周邦彦<菩萨蛮·梅雪 Tune: Buddhist Dancers> yín hé wǎn zhuǎn sān qiān qǔ 银 河 宛 转 三 千 曲。The Milky-Way-like river winds from bend to bend; yù fú fēi lù chéng bō lǜ 浴 凫 飞 鹭 澄 波 绿。Cranes fly over pure green waves...



作者:范成大 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人范成大<霜天晓角·梅 Tune: Morning Horn and Frosty Sky - The Mume Blossoms> wǎn qíng fēng xiē 晚 晴 风 歇。It's fine at dusk when the wind dies away; yī yè chūn wēi shé 一 夜 春 威 折。  At night the cold spring holds no long...



作者:曹操 5(2人评价)

曹操<苦寒行·北上太行山 Song of the Cold Endured> běi shàng tài háng shān 北 上 太 行 山,Northward we go up mountains stiff. jiān zāi hé wēi wēi 艰 哉 何 巍 巍!How hard it is to climb the cliff! yáng cháng bǎn jié qū 羊 肠 坂 诘 屈,...



作者:班婕妤 5(9人评价)

班婕妤<怨歌行 To an Autumn Fan> xīn liè qí wán sù 新 裂 齐 纨 素,Fresh from the weaver's loom, oh silk so white, jiǎo jié rú shuāng xuě 皎 洁 如 霜 雪。You are as clear as frost,as snow as bright. cái zuò hé huān shàn 裁 作 合 欢 扇,...