先秦 两汉 魏晋 南北朝 隋代 唐代 五代 宋代 元代 明代 清代 近代 现代



作者:刘基 5(6人评价)

出自明代诗人刘基<春蚕 The Silkworm> kě xiào chūn cán dú kǔ xīn 可笑春蚕独苦辛,Why should the silkworm busy alone and forget wéi shuí chéng jiǎn què fén shēn 为谁成茧却焚身。It will be boiled when its cocoon is made one day? bú rú wú...



作者:宋濂 5(2人评价)

出自明代诗人宋濂<越歌 A Southern Song> liàn láng tián láng fēi yī cháo 恋郎田郎非一朝,I think of and long for my lover day and night; hǎo sì bìng zhōu huā jiǎn dāo 好似并州花剪刀。We're like the two blades of a pair of scissors bright. yī ...



作者:张以宁 5(3人评价)

出自明-张以宁<严陵钓台 The Fishing Site of Yan Guang> gù rén yǐ chéng chì lóng qù  故人已乘赤龙去,Your friend riding the red dragon mounted the throne; jūn dú yáng qiú diào yuè míng 君独羊裘钓月明。You were left in sheep skin to fish mo...



作者:王冕 5(7人评价)

出自王冕<应教题梅 On Mume Blossoms> cì cì běi fēng chuī dǎo rén 刺刺北风吹倒人,When the violent northern wind blows, man would fall; qián kūn wú chù bú shā chén 乾坤无处不沙尘。There is no place on earth but overspread with sand. hú ér...



作者:张雨 5(3人评价)

出自元代张雨<湖州竹枝词 Bamboo Branch Song> lín hú mén wài shì nóng jiā 临湖门外是侬家,Before the lake's the little cottage where' I stay. láng ruò xián shí lái chī chá 郎若闲时来吃茶。Will you please come, when you have leisure, to take te...



作者:赵孟頫 5(10人评价)

出自赵孟頫<岳鄂王墓 The Tomb of General Yue Fei> è wáng fén shàng cǎo lí lí 鄂王坟上草离离,The tomb of General Yue with grass is desolate; qiū rì huāng liáng shí shòu wēi 秋日荒凉石兽危。In dreary autumn day the stone beasts stand like crag...



作者:刘因 5(7人评价)

出自元代刘因<观梅有感 On Seeing the Mume Flower> dōng fēng chuī luò zhàn chén shā 东风吹落战尘沙,The east wind blows up war dust and sand more and more; mèng xiǎng xī hú chù shì jiā 梦想西湖处士家;I dream of mume-bloom-lover in his lakeside ...



作者:戴表元 4.5(2人评价)

元代诗人戴表元<感旧歌者 A Songster on West Lake> mǔ dān hóng zǐ yàn chūn tiān 牡丹红紫艳春天,Peonies pink or violet embellish spring; tán bǎn zhū sī jǐn sè jiān 檀板朱丝锦色笺。Beside the music score lie clappers with red string. tóu...



作者:陈孚 4.9(8人评价)

出自陈孚<江天暮雪 Snow on the River at Dusk> zhǎng kōng juàn yù huā 长空卷玉花,Jade flowers whirl in endless sky; tīng zhōu bái hào hào 汀洲白浩浩。Sana islets whiten far and nigh. yàn yǐng bú fù jiàn 雁影不复见,No traces of wild ge...



作者:陈孚 5(7人评价)

出自元代诗人陈孚<博浪沙 The Hammer Blow> yī jī chē zhōng dǎn qì háo 一击车中胆气豪,How brave to strike at royal cab with hammer blow! zǔ lóng shè jì yǐ jīng yáo 祖龙社稷已惊摇;The empire, tottering, began to be brought low. rú hé s...