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作者:宋祁 5(22人评价)

出自宋代诗人宋祁<玉楼春·春景 Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion> dōng chéng jiàn jiào fēng guāng hǎo 东城渐觉风光好,The scenery is getting fine east of the town; hú zhòu bō wén yíng kè zhào 縠皱波纹迎客棹。The rippling water greets boats ro...



作者:宋祁 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人宋祁<锦缠道·春游 Tune: The Way of Brocade> yàn zǐ ne nán  燕子呢喃,The swallows twittering jǐng sè zhà zhǎng chūn zhòu 景色乍长春昼。Announce spring days are lengthening. dǔ yuán lín  睹园林、See who into my ga...



作者:欧阳修 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人欧阳修<青玉案·一年春事都来几 Tune: Green Jade Cup > yī nián chūn shì dōu lái jǐ 一年春事都来几?How many happy things in the spring of a year? 中平中仄平平仄 zǎo guò le 早过了、Two-thirds of them have passed away. 仄中...



作者:冯延巳 5(3人评价)

出自宋代诗人冯延巳<鹊踏枝·几日行云何处去  Tune: Butterflies over Flowers> jǐ rì háng yún hé chù qù 几日行云何处去?Where have you gone like cloud from day to day wàng què guī lái 忘却归来,Forgetting to come homeward way? bú dà...



作者:欧阳修 5(9人评价)

出自宋代诗人欧阳修<浪淘沙·把酒祝东风 Tune: Ripples Sifting Sand> bǎ jiǔ zhù dōng fēng 把酒祝东风,Wine cup in hand, I drink to eastern breeze: 中仄仄平平, qiě gòng cóng róng 且共从容。Let us empty with ease! 中仄平平 chuí yá...



作者:王安石 5(4人评价)

出自宋代王安石<浣溪沙·百亩中庭半是苔 Tune: Silk-Washing Stream> bǎi mǔ zhōng tíng bàn shì tái 百亩中庭半是苔,Half moss-hidden is my courtyard a hundred acres wide, mén qián bái dào shuǐ yíng huí 门前白道水萦回。Before my gate a win...



作者:王安国 5(4人评价)

出自宋代诗人王安国<减字木兰花·春情 Tune: Shortened Form of Lily Magnolia Flowers> huà qiáo liú shuǐ 画桥流水,Beneath painted bridge water flows by; yǔ shī luò hóng fēi bú qǐ 雨湿落红飞不起。The fallen flowers wet with rain can no more fly...



作者:王安国 5(10人评价)

出自宋代诗人王安国<清平乐·春晚 Tune: Pure, Serene Music> liú chūn bú zhù 留春不住,Spring cannot be retained, fèi jìn yīng ér yǔ 费尽莺儿语。Though orioles have exhausted their song. mǎn dì cán hóng gōng jǐn wū 满地残红宫锦污...



作者:晏几道 5(6人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏几道<玉楼春·东风又作无情计 Tune: Spring in Jade Pavilion> dōng fēng yòu zuò wú qíng jì 东风又作无情计, The eastern wind has plotted the crudest thing, yàn fěn jiāo hóng chuī mǎn dì 艳粉娇红吹满地。Blowing down ...



作者:晏几道 5(5人评价)

出自宋代诗人晏几道<浣溪沙·日日双眉斗画长 Tune: Silk-Washing Stream> rì rì shuāng méi dòu huà zhǎng 日日双眉斗画长,From day to day we vie in painting eyebrows long, háng yún fēi xù gòng qīng kuáng 行云飞絮共轻狂。As light-hearte...